Advancement OfficersRethinking the Fundraising Cycle, From Identification to Solicitation
Considering rapidly changing philanthropic realities, Jim Langley, President of Langley Innovations, will revisit the traditional fundraising cycle, showing what is and is not working and what new approaches need to be adopted to achieve both significant and sustainable fundraising results in the years ahead. In this day-long workshop, each phase of the traditional cycle will be reviewed, including prospect identification, engagement, cultivation, pre-solicitation, solicitation and stewardship, with the participants determining how much time is spent on each phase.
Online registration for Advancement Officers and other members of your administrative team. Printable and fillable registration. Deans who will be attending the conference and want to register for this workshop are invited to do so using the conference registration form.
To augment a dean's International Council for Arts Deans membership, our Advancement Officers thought community is designed to create a network of advancement professionals working in the visual and performing arts in higher education. Members of the Advancement Officers group engage throughout the year to share challenges and successes, best practices, strategies, research, communication models, and trends that support fundraising.
Benefits of Advancement Associate participation include, but are not limited to:
Online discussions and programs are the last Tuesdays of January, February, March and April at 4:00 Eastern / 3:00 Central / 2:00 Mountain / 1:00 Pacific. Invitations for each meeting will be sent. Registration is free for members of each affinity group or $80 per session for non-members. Join this affinity group now. Remember: the ‘bundled’ annual membership of an arts academic unit may include an advancement officer's membership. To join or renew this thought community via a ‘bundled’ membership structure, please see the form on this webpage. Either way, your institution's advancement staff is invited to participate in this thought community to support fundraising for the arts and creative areas in higher education. If you prefer to share your p-card information by phone for either, please call (561) 514-0810 or e-mail [email protected] for additional information. Group Leadership: Robin Phillips, Director of Development, J.T. & Margaret Talkington College of Visual & Performing Arts, Texas Tech University [email protected] Members are invited to Login here, to review recordings of previous programs. |