
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging Committee

Chaired by Lisa Brooks / Board Liaison B. Stephen Carpenter ll
Committee Participant Roster

Vision: The Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Committee develops goals and guiding principles that supports fine arts deans and executive arts administrators in creating more inclusive environments within the ICfAD organization and at their institutions. The Committee addresses issues related to inequities and systemic racism and promotes the development and mentoring of higher education arts administrators of diverse backgrounds. In an effort to broaden the voices represented by, and included in the arts in higher education, ICfAD commits itself as an organization to the work of being an actively anti-racist organization.

Term: The Chairperson is respectfully requested to serve a two-year term. Committee members are encouraged to self-assess their effectiveness on an annual basis.

  • identify an expert or panel of experienced thought leaders in diversity and inclusion to facilitate at least one online discussion or presentation annually
  • identify an expert or panel of experienced thought leaders in diversity and inclusion to facilitate one presentation for ICfAD’s Annual Conference
  • routinely seek information about what member institutions arts units are doing to address diversity and inclusion and update the ICfAD website to serve as a clearinghouse of information and resources for ICfAD members
  • working with the Leadership Development Committee, promote the development and mentoring of higher education administrators of diverse backgrounds
Suggested Additional Activities
  • review annually and propose edits to ICfAD’s Anti-Racism Statement 
  • collaborate with other professional associations and organizations to partner on diversity and inclusion initiatives in the arts

Committee Chair
Lisa Brooks

Board Liaison
B. Stephen Carpenter ll

Global Connections Committee

Chaired by Amir Berbic / Board Liaison Andrew Davis
Committee Participant Roster 

Vision: The Global Connections Committee is dedicated to the connection and enhancement of a worldwide community of arts executives in higher education. The Committee cultivates and nurtures working relationships between international arts institutions and organizations that advance common goals of global discussion and collaboration. The Committee strives to engender genuine understanding and appreciation of the arts in cultures from around the world.

Term: The Chairperson is respectfully requested to serve a two-year term. Committee members are encouraged to self-assess their effectiveness on an annual basis.

  • working with professional associations and organizations globally
  • partner in directing and providing at least one online discussion with international colleagues annually
  • plan and facilitate one presentation with international colleagues for ICfAD’s Annual Conference
  • routinely meet to discuss possible new programming which encourages opportunities for international engagement for ICfAD members
Suggested Additional Activities
  • seek information about member institution arts unit’s relationships with institutions abroad
  • update the database tracking this information used to extend invitations to in-person conferences and meetings
  • work with the ICfAD Executive Director to plan and accompany and lead ICfAD members in International Symposiums and Global Seminars
  • monitor the changing dynamics of arts in higher education from a global perspective and develop member programs for collaborative discussion
  • facilitate deans’ and executive arts administrators’ ability to participate in international programming offered by ICfAD

Committee Chair
Amir Berbic

Board Liaison
Andrew Davis

Leadership Development Committee

Chaired by Todd Jokl / Board Liaison Peg Faimon
Committee Participant Roster

Vision: The Leadership Development Committee strives to inspire enthusiasm for leadership opportunities in the arts in higher education while providing networking, mentoring, and learning experiences related to leadership and arts management. Committee goals include identifying critical issues facing arts administrators; assisting members in developing and enhancing their leadership abilities; and addressing challenges facing university arts faculty and staff; supporting those already serving in leadership roles; and nurturing those just starting their leadership trajectory.

Term: The Chairperson is respectfully requested to serve a two-year term. Committee members are encouraged to self-assess their effectiveness on an annual basis.

  • oversee the development and presentation of ICfAD’s Leadership Development Workshop annually
  • in addition to the Leadership Development Workshop, identify an expert or panel of experienced thought leaders in leadership development to facilitate at least one online discussion or presentation annually
  • identify an expert or panel of experienced thought leaders in leadership development to facilitate one presentation for ICfAD’s Annual Conference
  • working with the Equity, Diversity, Inclusion Committee, promote the development and mentoring of higher education administrators of diverse backgrounds
Suggested Additional Activities
  • partner with other professional associations and organizations developing online leadership development discussions and programs
  • develop discussions and programs benefiting various constituencies – new chairs and directors, deans, founding deans, etc.
  • provide mentoring programs for those who are considering transitioning or have recently transitioned into administrative roles in arts higher education
  • meet with first-time conference attendees to prepare them to take full advantage of ICfAD conference opportunities for learning and networking
  • facilitate re-connecting opportunities for alumni of ICfAD’s Leadership Development Workshop


Committee Chair
Todd Jokl

Board Liaison
Peg Faimon