Campus Gallery, Museum and Public Art Curators and DirectorsRecognizing the unique opportunities and challenges of the deans who oversee campus art galleries, museums and public art programs, ICfAD has created an affinity group or thought community for professionals responsible for research and fulfilling educational missions through artistic exhibitions, outreach programs and publications. Through the academic year, members will share best practices and be provided with numerous opportunities for professional development. Online discussions and programs are on the third Thursdays of January, February, March and April at 4:00 Eastern / 3:00 Central / 2:00 Mountain / 1:00 Pacific. Invitations for each meeting will be sent. Registration is free for members of each affinity group or $80 per session for non-members. Join this affinity group now. The ‘bundled’ annual membership of an arts academic unit may include a gallery and museum director(s) and curator(s) membership. To join or renew this thought community via a ‘bundled’ membership structure, please see the form on this webpage. Or, click here to become a member of this thought community if your academic until chooses to use ICfAD’s ‘a la carte’ membership structure. Either way, your gallery and museum director(s) and curator(s) are invited to participate in this thought community. If you prefer to share your p-card information by phone for either, please call (561) 514-0810 or e-mail for additional information. Group Leadership: Stefanie Dlugosz-Acton, Director, CVAD Galleries, College of Visual Arts and Design, University of North Texas, Members of this affinity group are invited to Login here, to review recordings of previous programs. |