Annual Conference

with Optional Programs – October 13th, 14th, and 17th 
with Institute of American Indian Arts
100 E. San Francisco St. in Santa Fe, New Mexico
All conference registrants will receive a New Mexico Culture Pass, providing admission to each of the 15 state museums and monuments over a 12-month period, so build time into your visit to explore!

Culture has always been at the heart of Santa Fe and has been an integral part of the city’s history and cityscape. The exchange of goods and ideas is deeply rooted in Santa Fe, starting with the trade fairs attended by Native Americans and Mexico’s indigenous population, to El Camino Real and the Santa Fe Trail, to the vibrant markets and art fairs of today. Santa Fe’s appointment to the UNESCO Creative Cities Network is a testament to the city’s important achievements in cultural industry development.

Santa Fe has a wealth of cultural resources that have helped build the city into what it is today. Native American traditions, including weaving, pottery, jewelry and dance remain an important part of contemporary Native culture and are present throughout the city. Spanish colonial art forms also continue to thrive today including folkloric dances, straw applique and tinwork. Santa Fe, where one in 10 jobs are tied to arts and cultural industries, is also home to more than 250 galleries, a vibrant performing arts community and an impressive range of museums.

Santa Fe is a city unlike any other, truly living up to its tagline, The City Different, at every turn. With legendary history and culture around every corner, an art scene that spans from traditional to contemporary, accommodations with a local feel yet world-class status, award-winning cuisine that’s as eclectic as it is sumptuous, and countless experiences to encounter, you’re sure to uncover something different about yourself when you visit for ICfAD’s 61st Annual Conference.

Join us for sharing with and learning from colleagues throughout this collaborative multi-day exchange. Presenters, discussion facilitators, panelists and participants will share art and design administration practices and technologies in higher education.

Monday, Tuesday and Friday programs are optional, with separate registration fees. 

Monday, October 13, 2025 / Indigenous Peoples’ Day

Institute of American Indian Arts (IAIA)

An afternoon at the Institute of American Indian Arts (IAIA). IAIA exemplifies creative excellence and what may be accomplished through an Indigenous approach to academics, community involvement, and museum practices. By promoting and expanding access to contemporary Indigenous arts through educational programming, research and exhibitions, IAIA is empowering Native creators and introducing non-Native audiences to Indigenous peoples’ vitality, resilience, and contemporaneity. IAIA is a 1994 Land-Grant institution providing training and outreach rooted in Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK) that promote tribal sovereignty and self-determination.

Tuesday, October 14, 2025

Discover the Art & Life of Georgia O’Keefe - A private tour before the museum opens to the public

Dedicated to her artistic legacy, the Georgia O’Keefe Museum is the largest repository of O’Keefe’s artwork, personal effects and related archives, including important correspondence, ephemera, and photographs.

Rethinking the Fundraising Cycle, From Identification to Solicitation A day-long workshop for deans and their advancement officers

In this day-long workshop, each phase of the traditional cycle will be reviewed, including prospect identification, engagement, cultivation, pre-solicitation, solicitation and stewardship. Considering rapidly changing philanthropic realities, Jim Langley, President of Langley Innovations, will revisit the traditional fundraising cycle, showing what is and is not working and what new approaches need to be adopted to achieve both significant and sustainable fundraising results in the years ahead. In this day-long workshop, each phase of the traditional cycle will be reviewed, including prospect identification, engagement, cultivation, pre-solicitation, solicitation and stewardship, with the participants determining how much time is spent on each phase.

Santa Fe Walking Tour (also offered Friday morning)

Enjoy a guided walking tour in Santa Fe and discover the city’s compelling history, treasured art, and architecture.

Art & History Tours of La Fonda on the Plaza (also offered Friday morning)

Join us for a complimentary docent-led art & history tour of the hotel, which is filled with stories about Fred Harvey and the Harvey girls, the architecture, and the beautiful art collection that graces the lobby, hallways, and rooms in the hotel. 

Welcome Reception at La Terraza Ballroom and Outdoor Terrace

                                                                                                            welcome reception proudly sponsored by DLR Group
                                                                                                           DLR Group has been a proud ICfAD sponsor since 2017

Wednesday, October 15, 2025

Breakfast and (optional) Mini Presentations

                                                                                                                            breakfast proudly sponsored by 
                                                                                                 Acentech/Studio A has been a proud ICfAD sponsor since 2024

At the same time, in a different room, a special program for first-time conference attendees: Breakfast and how to make the most of your conference experience. 

Land Acknowledgement and The Ancient Art of Smudging

The history of smudging dates to ancient times, when Native American tribes used it as a way to connect to the spiritual world, seek guidance and offer prayers.

Welcoming Remarks

Debra Garcia Greigo, Cabinet Secretary, New Mexico Department of Cultural Affairs

The Role of the Arts in the 21st Century  

                                                                                                                 keynote address proudly sponsored by 
                                                                                                            Jaffe Holden has been a proud ICfAD sponsor since 2017
Robert K. Meya is the fourth general director of the Santa Fe Opera and has been invited to open ICfAD’s 61st Annual Conference. His remarks will draw from his leadership of a company highly regarded for presenting ensemble performances of superlative quality and in a unique setting.

The Common Characteristics of the Most Successful Fundraising Deans

                                                                                            keynote address proudly sponsored by 
                                                                                         Wilson Butler Architects has been a proud ICfAD sponsor since 2024
Drawing from his broad experience in working with scores of deans over several decades, Jim Langley will share a surprising list of attributes that set apart the most successful, delineating between those that are innate and those that are "teachable." 

ICfAD’s Leadership Development Committee presents . . .

Facilitated Discussions focused on Transferrable Decanal Skillset Acquisitions

  • Creating Cultural Buy-In: Strategic Planning
  • Building Coalitions Across Campus
  • Strategies for Leading and Building a Team
                                                                                                              facilitated discussions proudly sponsored by  
                                                                                                     beck design has been a proud ICfAD sponsor since 2019


Leading through Uncertainty: Leadership in this moment requires addressing a constant stream of shifting challenges. In our conference agenda, we want to set aside time for open discussions about the key issues we’re facing in October. We understand that this can be sensitive and complicated, as each institution may approach these challenges differently. To facilitate these conversations, we’ll keep lunch sessions as open forums where you can discuss important topics, alongside coffee breaks and time outside of conference hours. Wednesday and Thursday lunches will offer a safe space to talk through these issues. We recognize that no matter our perspective, we are all dealing with uncertainty and change.

Time at the Santa Fe Opera

The Santa Fe Opera has been selected by ICfAD’s board of directors as being one of two recipients of this year’s Award for Arts Achievement & Excellence. ICfAD President James Frazier will present this award while we are visiting the Opera’s campus.
                                                                                                                    awards presentation proudly sponsored by 
                                                                                                     HGA Architects has been a proud ICfAD sponsor since 2012

Time will be spent in the outdoor theatre, small group tours of the design and production shop areas, and a Celebrate the Arts Reception in Dapples Pavilion. Click here to see a map of Santa Fe Opera’s campus.
                                                                                                                                  reception proudly sponsored by 
                                                                                  Threshold Acoustics &  AV has been a proud ICfAD sponsor since 2024

Thursday, October 16, 2025

Breakfast and Networking

                                                                                                            breakfast proudly sponsored by 
                                                                                       Perkins Eastman | pfeiffer has been a proud ICfAD sponsor since 2015

History and Place in the Native American Art Field of the Institute of American Indian Arts (IAIA)

The Institute of American Indian Arts has been selected by ICfAD’s board of directors as being one of two recipients of this year’s Award for Arts Achievement & Excellence. ICfAD President James Frazier and Immediate Past President Nancy Uscher will present this award at the end of this presentation.

Visit the Institute of American Indian Arts (IAIA) Museum of Contemporary Native American Arts

Native American Hoop Dance

Like other native dances, hoop dance is not acrobatic but restrained. Every dance is as individual as the person who choreographs it.

ICfAD’s DEIB Committee presents . . .

Considering Gender Expansion and Expression in Arts Education

Arts faculty are often challenged to provide adequate support for their trans and gender-expansive students, who are actively seeking a safe and welcoming space to authentically express their gender identity. This panel will seek to examine best practices for inclusive teaching, challenging the traditional paradigms of voice type, gendered casting, traditional stagecraft, etc.

Roundtable Discussions

                                                                                                            roundtable discussions proudly sponsored by  
                                           Roundtable Discussions have been sponsored by Theatre Consultants Collaborative since 2013
Roundtable Discussions serve as a forum to explore special topics, timely issues, and fresh ideas of interest to ICfAD's diverse and growing membership.

Annual Meeting for the International Council for Arts Deans

                                                        annual business meeting sponsored by   and  
                                                                                                      Schuler Shook has been a proud IC
fAD sponsor since 2019
                                                                                                     Steinberg Hart has been a proud ICfAD sponsor since 2022

Time on Museum Hill 

The hill itself is a public sculpture garden. Within the beautiful setting are Wheelright Museum of the American Indian; Museum of International Folk Art; Museum of Indian Arts & Culture; Museum of Spanish Colonial Art; Botanical Gardens.

Explore Canyon Road

Canyon Road is a magical half mile in the Historic District of Santa Fe.

Tour The School for Advanced Research and The Indian Arts Research Center

The Indian Arts Research Center (IARC) is a division of the School for Advanced Research (SAR). The goal of IARC is to bridge the divide between creativity and scholarship by supporting initiatives and projects in Native American studies, art history, and creative expression that illuminate the intersections of the social sciences, humanities, and arts. Advance registration is required for this tour. Attendance is limited.

Closing Reception at The New Mexico History Museum

Friday, October 17, 2025

Friday activities are optional. Separate registration is required for each program. There is no additional charge for the art tour at the hotel.

Taos - a mecca for artists and visionaries

This cultural immersion experience will depart the conference hotel Friday morning after breakfast (on your own) and return Saturday afternoon. Itinerary.

Santa Fe Walking Tour (was also offered Tuesday afternoon) 

Tour of the art collection at La Fonda on the Plaza