Daniel Guyette
Dean, College of Fine Arts
Western Michigan University

Dan has been a member of ICFAD for the past 17 years and recently finished serving seven years on the Board of Directors, the last five as treasurer. He was the coordinator for the 50th year Gala event and has led two MIND workshops (Mentoring Initiative for New Deans), which he created for ICFAD in 2013. He hosted the conference during ArtPrize in Grand Rapids. Dan served as Chair of the Career Development Task Force for four years, and has presented several sessions, chaired panels and hosted multiple roundtables over the years.

ICFAD has been the most valuable organization for me and my career over the past seventeen years. Many of the skills I use in work every day were shaped during sessions, talking with other deans and sharing ideas with friends at past conferences. During the past few years I have been privileged to help other deans through opportunities such as MIND, the Career Development Task Force and serving on the Board. If elected as your next secretary and future president, I will be honored to continue serving you and this distinguished organization.