Denise Amy Baxter Associate Dean of Academic and Student Affairs University of North Texas
Eric Ligon Associate Dean College of Visual Arts and Design University of North Texas
Greg Watts Dean, College of Visual Arts and Design University of North Texas
Dean Greg Watts and Associate Deans Baxter and Ligon for the last four years as the administrative leadership in the College of Visual Arts and Design at the University of North Texas have been involved in every aspect, every meeting, and every decision regarding the $70 million construction and renovation of 238,000 square feet of visual arts and design space and are actively in program planning mode for an additional facility. This studio artist, graphic designer, and art historian have 36 years of collective administrative experience, and yet there’s nothing like building a building.
Denise Amy Baxter, Associate Dean of Academic and Student Affairs College of Visual Arts and Design University of North Texas (940) 565-3986 [email protected]
Eric Ligon, Associate Dean of Administrative Affairs College of Visual Arts and Design University of North Texas (940) 565-4001 [email protected]
Greg Watts, Dean College of Visual Arts and Design University of North Texas (940) 565-4003 [email protected]